目前分類:Movies (718)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2008-10-26 [PreviewMovie]--Friday the 13th (15) (0)
2008-10-26 [PreviewMovie]--Underworld 3: The Rise of the Lycans (59) (0)
2008-10-22 [Movie]--畫皮--Painted Skin (62) (0)
2008-10-19 [Movie]--地心冒險--Journey to the Center of the Earth (24) (0)
2008-10-19 [Movie]--神鬼任務2--The Art of War II: Betrayal (1630) (0)
2008-10-14 [PreviewMovie]--Seven Pounds (136) (0)
2008-10-13 [PreviewMovie]--Resident Evil: Degeneration (50) (0)
2008-10-12 [Movie]--午夜人肉夜車--The Midnight Meat Train (330) (0)
2008-10-10 [Movie]--撕裂記憶體 --The Lazarus Project (62) (0)
2008-10-10 [PreviewMovie]--Twilight (54) (1)
2008-10-10 [PreviewMovie]--Transporter 3 (24) (0)
2008-10-07 [Movie]--巴比倫密碼--Babylon A.D. (68) (0)
2008-10-04 [Movie]--致命巧克力--Chocolate (48) (0)
2008-10-03 [PreviewMovie]--Dragonball (26) (1)
2008-10-03 [PreviewMovie]--Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (17) (0)
2008-09-29 [Movie]--鬼4虐--Phobia (46) (0)
2008-09-29 [Movie]--世紀交鋒--Righteous Kill (45) (0)
2008-09-28 [Movie]--大衛特大號--Meet Dave (48) (0)
2008-09-28 [Movie]--兇鏡--Mirrors (223) (0)
2008-09-28 [PreviewMovie]--The Spirit (15) (0)
2008-09-28 [Movie]--絕命尬車--Death Race (375) (0)
2008-09-21 [Movie]--桃色名單--Deception (163) (0)
2008-09-20 [Movie]--特務行不行--Get Smart (39) (0)
2008-09-13 [Movie]--愛情三選一--Definitely, Maybe (43) (0)
2008-09-13 [Movie]--無敵浩克--The Incredible Hulk (59) (0)
2008-09-03 [Movie]--X檔案2: 我要相信--The X-Files: I Want to Believe (38) (0)
2008-08-31 [Movie]--特勤沙龍--You Don't Mess with the Zohan (34) (0)
2008-08-27 [Movie]--陌路狂殺--The Strangers (124) (0)
2008-08-24 [Movie]--神鬼傳奇3--The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (73) (0)
2008-08-21 [Movie]--地獄怪客2:金甲軍團--Hellboy II: The Golden Army (75) (0)
2008-08-14 [Movie]--魔蝎大帝2:王者的崛起--The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (8678) (0)
2008-08-13 [Movie]--全民超人--Hancock (41) (0)
2008-08-03 [Movie]--新郎不是我--Made of Honor (1642) (0)
2008-07-30 [PreviewMovie]--Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (21) (0)
2008-07-28 [Movie]--永不退縮--Never Back Down (468) (0)
2008-07-27 [Movie]--殺手沒有假期--In Bruges (52) (0)
2008-07-25 [PreviewMovie]--Max Payne (23) (0)
2008-07-25 [PreviewMovie]--Saw V (17) (0)
2008-07-25 [PreviewMovie]--Watchmen (59) (0)
2008-07-21 [Movie]--蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士--The Dark Knight (537) (2)
2008-07-20 [Movie]--刺客聯盟--Wanted (41) (0)
2008-07-17 [PreviewMovie]--Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins (35) (0)
2008-07-14 [Movie]--活人祭--The Ruins (205) (0)
2008-07-12 [Movie]--謎屍--Missing (161) (0)
2008-07-12 [Movie]--破‧天‧慌--The Happening (28) (0)
2008-07-10 [Movie]--赤壁--Red Cliff (108) (0)
2008-07-06 [Movie]--超級英雄惡搞版--Superhero Movie (290) (0)
2008-07-05 [Movie]--舞力全開--Step Up 2: the Streets (85) (0)
2008-06-28 [Movie]--印第安納瓊斯:水晶骷髏王國--Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (43) (0)
2008-06-22 [Movie]--慾望城市--Sex and the City: The Movie (66) (0)